Some of the Export Myths:
Export has nothing to do with company size – it’s about culture and skills
Anywhere in the world business is about:
- Understand and service the market
- Engage with and learn from customers
- Offer a relevant proposition, benefits and functionalities that customers want
Export does not have to be more expensive to start up than domestic activities…
- Use e-commerce and social media to build your presence
- Use up front payment for the first orders
English is THE international business language, simply use tools to aid communicate
- Free translation on Google for your e-commerce sites
- Work together with your partner
- Use students and translators
- Use local knowledge
- Embrace their culture and language
Export can be less risky than your domestic sales
- Use pre-payment
- Letter of credit
- Take out credit insurance if you need
- Mainland Europe normally pays within 30 days and uses quick payment scheme discount if paid within 14 days
Yes if you want it to be – but there is easy help all the way
- shipping agent
- chamber of commerce
- even your local bank
We cannot be “expert” in all areas – focus on your core business and use experts where needed
No markets are secure…Overseas competitors are already knocking on your customers’ door
- Spread your risk
- Learn from your overseas markets to further strengthen your company
No…it is the customers and end-users that really set the price, not you
- Is it really worth it?
- It is a global market place – your domestic pricing is already known in the overseas markets
- Supply chain price escalation cannot always just be put on the end price
No set rules – it all depends on:
- Market size
- Type of product
- The degree of control you want or are able to exercise in the market
- Investment level
You do need to adapt to new markets
- Communicate in local language
- Fine tuned tastes to local preference
- Size and packaging to suit local requirements
Let me know; If you would like the full presentation, just send me an email [email protected] and I will email it to you… Thank you