Export Grower, Export Journey, Export Thoughts
Bringing sustainable fashion forward across 38 markets Huge Danish container shipping line A.P. Moller – Maersk has signed a ‘fully carbon-neutral’ transport agreement on ocean services with BESTSELLER, which will see the fashion company’s goods carried on ships...
Export Journey, Export Thoughts
Public mistrust is declining in many places across the world and there are also significant differences from country to country. What we are also seeing is that in the countries where there is high public trust, they enjoy faster growth, higher GDP, less corruption...
Downloads, Export Grower, Export Thoughts
Exporting for good – are you a good exporter? Are the days of just flogging your wares over? Remember those days when ‘all’ a successful exporter had to do was to find the best agents/distributors, do a bit of multilanguage packaging, pay the listing fee to the local...
Grow Export, Export Grower, Export Thoughts
What can exporters learn from the European Super League debacle and flop? Football fans (and many others) across the world spent the 48 hours between Sunday 18th April and the following in amazement, anger and eventually relief and joy due to the announcement that...
Export Enterprise, Export Grower, Export Thoughts, Export To-Dos, Project Kickstart
Getting ready to kickstart your export and after the many worldwide lockdowns This week the UK marked the anniversary of its first complete country lockdown. A situation that has caused big losses for both people and businesses. Put in a perfect summary by Boris...