Export Thoughts:
Through story-telling, examples and inquisitive questions we challenge the status quo and help you think outside the box and build an edge to growth
Export Tools:
We provide you with a wide range of simple tools on how you can achieve best practice, improve and grow your export business in simple steps
Export To-Dos:
Having decided which tools to use, we can then give you simple templates and action points – to use there and then
How shopping will change in the ‘new normal’ and the impact on exporters Part 2
How shopping will change in the ‘new normal’ and the impact on exporters Part 2 Direct to Consumer E-Commerce is all about Taking Back ControlThere is an increasing focus on how manufacturers can develop a sustainable and profitable business using Direct To Customer...
How shopping will change in the ‘new normal’ and the impact on exporters Part 1
How shopping will change in the ‘new normal’ and the impact on exporters Part 1 A series of two blogs which will guide you through the changes caused by the pandemicPost-pandemic will the way that consumers buy and consume products be changing and, if so, how can the...
Project Kickstart series
Exporting in the ‘new normal’ world Its export, but not as we know it Anybody involved with exporting and global trade is facing many unprecedented challenges and, indeed, also, some opportunities, but how?The coronavirus pandemic is all happening around you…you...
Export Grower
Making Export vibrant, visible and viable
Digital marketing and social media…how to engage with your customers across the world
Digital marketing and social media 06.2014 (1)
Some Tools
and Some simple To-dos
Past Newsletters