The latest news and blog selection with thoughts, tools and to-dos helping you to grow your export #growexport
How innovative flavours can help you grow your export
Go to Fleetwood and learn to adapt to different market tastes Fleetwood based Fisherman’s Friend has over the last 40 years proven you can maximise your export success by adapting the products to suit the local taste pallet and customs It's an old-fashioned...
How to tell your story and sell your product by using simple QR codes
Quick Response ('QR') codes really took of in 2011 and has made the biggest impact in the US and Japan and less here in Europe. When used well QR codes offer a low-cost way to engage users with your company/brand, especially when engaging with your overseas consumers....
Would more Government support and grants really offer companies more export success?
It puzzles me to keep reading that exporting is too complex for UK companies and the government needs to offer more help… Reading the new research from FedEx, which concludes that only a third of small and medium businesses see exporting as a key growth...
Digital marketing and social media…
Real-time, genuine feedback and communication direct from your customers can give you a strong competitive advantage when growing your brand and business worldwide Introduction Any business with serious ambitions of growing its export sales must embrace digital...
Lidl shows the way in many other ways than “Just Price”
Lidl shows the way in many other ways than “Just Price” The Retail Gazette reported yesterday that “Just a third of online retailers are seeing a direct business result or spike in customer engagement from using social media channels in their marketing strategy....
Let YouTube help you spread the word of your business worldwide
There are now more than 1 billion YouTube users, based in 61 countries and spread across 60 languages, watching more than 6 billion hours of video every single month. This represents a massive opportunity for businesses of all sizes and across industries to raise your...
Grow your export by providing great customer service
Grow your export by providing great customer service, across the world Show you really care about your customers across the do care, don't you? Most traditional advice for companies which are looking to start exporting or for businesses already exporting...
Getting your culture and attitude right and you can really grow your export
Some businesses view export activities as mechanical processes which are ‘happening out there’ and which has little to do with the vision and outlook within their business. Decide on the market; select a good partner, get the logistics right and you are home and dry...