The latest news and blog selection with thoughts, tools and to-dos helping you to grow your export #growexport

Exporter’s Marketing Masterclass

Exporter’s Marketing Masterclass Date: 17 Oct 2012 Time: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM The Exporter’s Marketing Masterclass will provide essential information and advice on how to successfully market your business to overseas markets. Key issues to be covered include: • How to...

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We are all too familiar with the standard approach to market research for potential export markets: it can be done in-house or by a research company. The outlined and well published standard approach: Screen potential markets based on available market data and...

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The world IS your oyster!

The world IS your oyster! We believe that most companies can benefit greatly from a more international outlook and from taking a serious look at how to develop their export. Too many businesses seem to be almost scared of exporting, often held back by internal myths...

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9 myths about export and how to bust theme (optional)

Some of the Export Myths:    Export has nothing to do with company size –   it’s about culture and skills Anywhere in the world business is about: Understand and service the market Engage with and learn from customers Offer a relevant proposition,...

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How to make your overseas partners stay more loyal

How to make your overseas partners stay more loyal Part 1 of 3 Dealing with overseas partners such as distributors or retailers is similar to a long distance relationship. Sometimes, the old saying “out of sight, out of mind” comes true and you lose business in a very...

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How to welcome an overseas visitor

You have finally cracked it. You've convinced that big potential customer or agent from thousands of miles away to come and visit your plant and your offices.  Now you have got that huge opportunity to impress the customer with all the technical skills and innovation...

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Dyson breaks through the £1bn-turnover mark

Dyson breaks through the £1bn-turnover mark From a gem of an idea, through constant perseverance and innovation, to global brand Dyson keeps up the whirlwind by finally breaking through the £1bn-turnover mark with the unique cyclone technology in the bagless vacuum...

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